Tuesday, July 8, 2014

unearth existence: Gotad Ad Ifugao

unearth existence: Gotad Ad Ifugao


Inlagim is a native dish in Ifugao. It is a unique Ifugao style in preparing and cooking a chicken especially native chicken.  I know that for some who are not exposed to this will find it gross but this is how Ifugaos do in the mountain. If you think you can not take the sight of it, better not look. Just wait for the "inlagim" to be served for you, that is, if you want to try.

To do this, you need to prepare an open fire and boil water using a pot. "Kill" the chicken by slitting the throat first. Someone can assist you while doing this but in the mountain it is usually done by a single person only. If some one is assisting you, he must hold the chicken feet and wings up while the other one holds the head while cutting the throat. Careful though not to totally cut the whole neck. :)

Next, drain the blood to a bowl with vinegar. If the chicken stopped moving, it means it is already ready to be dressed.

Pluck off the large feathers and roast it over the open fire. Remove the burned small feathers and continue roasting the chicken until it is half cooked.

Then, put back the pot with water to boil and start opening the chicken from its stomach. Take out the internals and put it aside. It is usually in this process wherein a "mumbaki" inspects the internals for any omens.

Chop the chicken into pieces and put it in the pot which is being boiled on the open fire. Wait to cook and add some salt to taste.

While waiting for the chicken to cook, clean the internals and cut it into small pieces. Be sure to remove the "apdo" or the bile as it will make the dish taste extremely bitter. :) Take the chicken blood with vinegar and mix.

Prepare the spices like onions and saute it in a pan with oil (of course using another open fire to cook). Add the pieces of internal and saute it with the spices. After a few minutes, add the blood and continue sauteing until it is cooked. Don't forget to add salt also.

Finally, once the chicken is cooked, serve it with "tinawon" or native rice with soy sauce and chili. In the absence of soy sauce, you can try using the chicken soup as a dipping sauce. Just add some salt and chili. This will make your meal bountiful!

Pluck off the large feathers
Roast the chicken until the small feathers are burned
Remove the burned small feathers
Resume roasting the chicken
Resume roasting the chicken until it is half cooked.